Know a little more about Snug Piercing

Know a little more about Snug Piercing

2019 Feb 5th

Certainly, piercing has become part a prominent part of the mainstream culture. Both men and women seem to be crazy for different types of piercing. With many youngsters searching for new forms, antihelix piercing which is also referred toa ‘hole’ being made through your snugcan be a beautiful option.

Though snug piercing is voguish, it is stated to be a little complicated and painful process. So before you plan to make a booking at theparlor for your antihelixpiercing, you must be aware of the possibilities of infections, pain level, and much more, associated with this type. 

Though snug piercing is voguish, it is stated to be a little complicated and painful process. So before you plan to make a booking at theparlor for your antihelixpiercing, you must be aware of the possibilities of infections, pain level, and much more, associated with this type.

What different issues you might have to deal with snug piercing?

As stated above, it is bit complex and can cause suffering. And the worst thing is that the pain caused by snug piercing is likely to last longer. The first thing you can do to avoid it is that look for an expert. Yes, if the piercing process is performed by a pro, it will be a better experience. Besides you can simply trust a reputed topical anesthetic product like NumbSkin cream. It comes with 5% lidocaine which is a numbing agent and can block the pain signals for three to four hours. When applied to the skin surface, it will desensitize your skin and make the process painless.

Coming to the next complexity, this piercing may also result into infection. Usually, it appears when the process is done using an unsterilized needle. Secondly, if you insert a piece of jewelry in the pierced place which does not suit the snug, you will end up with swelling. Avoid pulling of your earing every now and then to prevent bleeding. Though there is not much to worry, yet if a person witness weakness or fever due to inflammation, don’t delay your visit to a doctor.

How to clean your snug piercing?

The pierced snug has to be kept clean in order to increasing the healing speed. For this all you need is a saline solution which you can prepare at home. It is quite simple. To make a saline solution you need to mix just 1-2 tablespoons of salts with 8 ounces of water. Blend it well and you can use it once it is cool enough to tolerate. With small balls of cotton woolsoaked in the saline solution clean the pierced surface.

  • You have to press the soaked ball against the snug.
  • Gently clean out any dirt by rubbing with soft hands on the snug piercing.
  • Throw away the used cotton and use fresh piece always to repeat the process.
  • Repeat the entire process about two to three times a day.

Besides, here are some aftercare tips you must follow:

  1. You need to refrain from swimming in the pool or beach as there your snug piercing wound can get infested with harmful bacteria.
  2. Don’t touch the area unnecessarily and when it is required to touch the piercing, disinfect your hands prior.
  3. Clean the piercing as stated above and dry out the area using a well-cleaned disposable towel.
  4. Keep distance from unnecessary cosmetic products around the recently pierced snug.
  5. Use only prescribed creams, ointments, and moisturizers around you freshly pierced snug wound.
  6. Make sure to keep it away from substances that bear a disclaimer on exposure to open wounds like peroxide or alcohol.

Follow these to ensure that your snug piercing is problem free.