Interesting Tattoo Statistics and Stories to Know

Interesting Tattoo Statistics and Stories to Know

Numbskin on 2018 Nov 25th

Tattoos have been a part of our culture for thousands of years. From the Egyptian empire to the World Wars, from civil wars to cold wars, there has been a wide history of tattoos and nonetheless, it kept on surviving the trend. Once considered as something associated with rebels, sailors and prisoners, tattoos have become a part of today’s American culture. Tattoos are just not an art, but it carries a generation, it carries a bucket of emotions, it is a way to color the thoughts.

tattoos in usa stats

There are 30% of Americans with at least one tattoo and the number is increasing.

There are many statistics available on the internet regarding tattoo. This article shares some important statistics with relevant storied to be read before getting a tattoo.

1) One-Third of People with Tattoos Regret Getting One

According to a  study done in the UK, it has been found that nearly a third of people in the world carry tattoos and regret. The tattoo regrets have been widely found among men and it happens only when you go for a tattoo without thinking twice about it. Moreover, tattoos inked on the upper part of the body were most likely to be regretted. The following story of Jacob perfectly explains the above statistics.

The following story of Jacob perfectly explains the above statistics.

Jacob, a 19-year student says that “I never had friends of my age and my friends always used to be 5-6 years elder to me. Growing with elder friends injected all their habits in me at age of 13 when they were 18. This was the reason that my inclination towards getting a tattoo increased when I was just 14. Neither I waited, nor I chose an appropriate design and decided to get a tattoo as early as possible.The result was that I got my chest inked with an ugly tattoo design from an amateur tattoo artist. The decision was spontaneous and immature which I realized when I went to university. I regret my tattoo and finding some cheaper means to get rid of my tattoo now.”

2) Millennials Have A Tattoo and Parents are Ok With it

On one side where people regret getting a tattoo, there isa number of people who love getting a tattoo. Tattoos have found its place more than ever and each year it brings something new for the world. With revolutionary designs and unique designs, these days tattooing is the new trend. According to  statistics, 60% of Millennials have a tattoo and 71% of their parents are okay with it.

Tattoos are gaining huge popularity with passing years and each year brings some new, revolutionary and unique designs which become a trend. Although tattoos are famous amongst people of all generations they are highly popular amongst the generation of Millennials and according to  statistics, 60% of Millennials have a tattoo and 71% of their parents are okay with it.

William, a father of 16 years old daughter says “Although to some extent, tattoos are considered to be a taboo and stigma in our society, but our family considers a tattoo to be an art, a platform through which one can express his or her thoughts. My wife got her recent tattoo at an age of 40 and this motivated our daughter Amy to get her first tattoo. When she discussed this with me, I was happy about her decision. It was her choice and we helped her to find a unique and beautiful design. We selected a good tattoo artist and booked an appointment with him. We backed her and went with her to the tattoo artist on her 16th birthday where she got her most precious birthday gift: A Tattoo.”

Every coin has two faces and you have to be smart enough to be a part of the right side of the coin. There are still so many people who want to get a tattoo but just because of the fear of needles they do not dare to step forward. For all those people who are scared of getting a tattoo, here is an opportunity to get a painless tattoo. Pain cannot stop you from getting a tattoo.

How? Simply you need to invest in a topical anesthetic cream like NumbSkin. The application of this cream will numb your skin within 45 minutes and block the pain signals. Being an FDA compliant product, it is completely safe to use. The pain relieving effect last for 4 hours approximately and it is enough to make your sessions comfortable.

NumbSkin is easily available OTC at any medical store or you can also place your  orders online right now.