How to Take Pain Out of Your Waxing?

How to Take Pain Out of Your Waxing?

Numbskin on 2018 Oct 5th

Here are the steps to eliminate pain from your waxing.

Waxing is used to remove unwanted hair from the skin using waxing strips. The strips stick to the hairs for an easy pull off. The catch is that waxing is painful.

Not all can bear the pain of waxing. After all, pulling the hair off the skin is no fun.

Besides detaching the hair from its root, waxing adds to the pain by removing superficial layers of the skin.

What if you have low pain threshold? What if you are ill or experiencing the onset of your period?

Don’t worry! You can eliminate the pain and discomfort from your waxing. Here are some ways to do that.

Take Painkillers Before the Process:

Take painkiller half an hour before waxing. It will minimize the pain and ease the swelling afterwards.

Use a Topical Anesthetic or Numbing cream:

It is the most effective method to make your waxing pain proof. Topical anesthetic or numbing cream dulls the skin patch so that you don’t feel anything happening to your skin. Scientifically speaking, the cream penetrates the skin to block the pain receptors sending signals to the brain. Make sure to choose the cream with 5% lidocaine. The cream keeps your skin numb for 2 hours.

Here’s How to Use a Numbing Cream for Waxing

  • Pat it Dry with a Clean Towel
  • Apply Numbing Cream Thickly Over the Skin
  • Apply Second Layer of Numbing Cream
  • Cover the Skin with a Plastic Wrap for One Hour
  • After One Hour, Remove the Wrap
  • (Please read the pack for specific instructions.) Shop a numbing cream now for a painless waxing.

    Avoid Coffee Before Waxing:

    Coffee contains caffeine which stimulates the nerve ending, making your skin even sensitive to pain. It is better to skip your coffee before waxing session.

    Get it Done Right after Your Period:

    Do it after your periods. This is because the body is less sensitive to pain during and just after your period. The pain tolerance is at its highest at this time. But avoid it before or during your period as the skin is more sensitive.

    Stay Calm:

    Don’t be panic. Don’t be tensed during the process. Staying calm will let you handle the pain. Otherwise the fear of pain is more horrible than facing the pain itself. Besides, stress will pull your muscles and make your skin tighter, so you will have more pain when hair is pulled off.

    Exfoliate the Night Before Waxing:

    Exfoliation removes the dead skin that often hides and traps the hairs. Stay in warm water shower and use mild soap to clean the areas. Use exfoliating cream on the parts to be waxes. Scrub gently and wash it off with warm water. Pat it dry with a towel. Make sure to apply a moisturizer afterwards.

    Avoid Shaving:

    Shaving will make hair coarse and hard, making it even painful to pull off them. The waxing strips would have a good grip over the long hair than shorter ones.

    Therefore, let the hair grow until for your next waxing session.

    Take a Hot Shower Before Waxing:

    Hot shower or steam will soften the skin and open up the pores for easy waxing.

    Stretching Workouts Can Help You:

    Stretching workouts make your skin flexible. And bearing the pain is a bit easier with flexible skin. Some of the stretching workouts before stretching are Low Lunge Arch, Stranding Side Stretch and Forward Hang.

    Stick to Aftercare for Waxing:

    After getting done with your waxing session, apply powder on the skin to reduce skin redness. Avoid take hot baths till you get complete healing. You can use aloe based gel to cool off your inflamed skin.