How To Make Your Waxing Last Longer?

How To Make Your Waxing Last Longer?

2019 Jan 31st

Do you have hair in places you never want them to exist? Of course, you don’t have to deal with them forcibly. You can easily get rid of them through a number of procedures including waxing, shaving, laser, and so on. While every method comes with it pros and cons, it can be challenging to choose the right one. For instance, shaving is cheap but results are too poor and on the other hand results are extremely good in laser but it will be an expensive affair.

Now if you want hairless, smooth skin in the longer run without investing much, you can trust waxing. It is not only affordable but also helps producing results which last for longer. And the good thing is that there are numerous ways to delay the re-growth of hair after you get waxed.

Here are some tips to help you make the process an effective and longer lasting experience.

  1. Try to be regular: If you really want it to last longer, you need to be regular with your appointment. Generally, your waxing expert will recommend you to follow four weeks clock. This is done in order to make your hair grow weaker. Also in later days, fix a waxing schedule as per your skin needs and hair growth.
  2. Be patient: Don’t confuse this point as a contradiction with the previous one. Of course, it is important to stay regular but don’t be in a hurry to book the next appointment. Your hair needs some time to grow back enough to be waxed properly. So it is your patience which will create a difference.
  3. Exfoliate your skin regularly: You need to understand that waxing your hair becomes difficulty with the presence of dirt and dead skin. These can block hair follicles and you will need another wax session very soon. Therefore, it is essential before and after waxing. Exfoliating your skin helps eliminating those particles of dirt, and dead skin cells. You can plan for exfoliation a day or two before your waxing session. Just remember, you have to be very gentle. Don’t choose a harsh scrub as itwill turn your skin very sensitive and more painful.
  4. Moisturizing is important: Keeping your skin hydrate inside out is important. While you need to drink ample amount of water and natural juices to keep your body healthy, adding up a moisturizer to your skincare routine is always required. Application of same will make your skin look smooth and healthy. However, be careful when choosing a moisturizer. It should be fragrance-free and alcohol-free. If there are any chemical ingredients present, it might lead to allergic reaction,tiny rashes, infection, itching,and red bumps.
  5. Ditch your razor: Once you have opted for waxing, don’t go back to shaving for hairless skin. Using a razor or tweezers in between your appointments to extend the time between wax sessions might do more harm than good. It can be terrible for your skin and you might end up with razor burn. With this, after shaving your hair becomes too short that it adhere the waxing results too.
  6. Prepare for the pain: While it has not much to do with long lasting results, yet it is important to make your waxing experience as painless as possible. For this you can trust a topical anesthetic

While these are pretty some simple to follow, these can makeyour waxing results last for an extended period of time. Start following them and enjoy happy waxing!