7 Don’ts to Avoid Tattoo Regret In Future: Keep A Note

7 Don’ts to Avoid Tattoo Regret In Future: Keep A Note

Numbskin on 2018 Nov 2nd

Undoubtedly, the popularity of tattoos has exploded massively. It is one of the most favorite forms of body art. But with the increased public acceptance, there is something more which needs some attention.

Master tattoo draws the orange paint on the clients tattoo

Whether you are planning to get the name of your boyfriend inked on your hand or simply an anchor tattoo for the love of sea, you need to ensure that you need it forever. As per the  American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), more than 50 percent people underwent for laser tattoo removal. It simply means that tattoos don’t have to be an impulsive decision.

Fortunately, there are some ways of avoid the same. Explore some don’ts which are necessary to keep in mind before you sit down in the tattooing parlor.

1. Don’t hurry up for the process: You need not rush behind getting a tattoo. According to a poll conducted on a British website 1 in 6 people want to get rid of their tattoo. And this mostly happens when the decision is taken without taking much time. So ask yourself a few questions like:

  • Do I need a tattoo only because people around are getting it done?
  • Am I ready to take the design on my body forever?
  • Will I be able to bear the pain during the procedure?

2. Don’t miss on the safety: Getting a tattoo art done in a hygienic and safe environment is of utmost importance. For this, make sure you ask your artist to show you around. Also ask them for whether they use disposable needles and sterilized equipment for tools or not. In case, you find the tattoo parlor is not following good hygiene practices, look for another.

3. Don’t settle for a small tattoo: Many people in order to know whether they are going to like a tattoo or not go for a smaller design. But later even if they realize that tattoos aren’t for them, what is the use. While you already have one, this is going to annoy you. Getting an “experimental” tattoo is not a right way out.

4. Don’t follow trends blindly: In case you love realistic flowers but you find out that primitive sketches or lettering tattoos are in trend these days, don’t go for them. Betraying your dream is not a good choice. Remember, the world of fashion is never constant. It keeps on evolving and changing. Follow what you love, not what by the world.

5. Don’t go for stereotypical tattoos: This category consists of simple hearts, butterflies, hieroglyphs, and those trivial “My life, my rules” tattoos. There should be originality, spontaneity, and above all individuality in a design to make it ever lasting. So make sure that your future ink design doesn’t have any cultural meaning, especially what you don’t know about.

6. Don’t prefer already existing tattoos: Did you find a classy sketch from internet? Well, it is good to take an idea, but following the same or better say, getting the same drawn will not be a good idea. You can get acquainted with pictures from social channels like Instagram and Pinterest. But please avoid already-existing sketches. You can discuss with your artists and ask them to change a little as per your person.

7. Don’t forget pain: Tattooing will be painful. The key to success is in preparing beforehand. You can trust a numbing cream for this reason. Numbskin cream can be your savior. It is a topical anesthetic which comes with 5% lidocaine and works by blocking the nerve endings. While it reduces suffering, it never interferes with your tattoo ink.

Want to know from where you can buy it? It can be ordered online. Isn’t that simple!