5 Laser Treatments for Treating Your Acne Scars

5 Laser Treatments for Treating Your Acne Scars

Numbskin on 2018 Nov 21st

It is quite common to get acne at some point in y006Fur life. Around 60 million people in the U.S. have acne and worst is that 20% have to suffer form of severe breakout which is bad enough to result into scarring.

Young man before and after acne treatment on white background

Usually, acne occurs when the dead skin cells along with bacteria accumulate in your skin pores. This further causes inflammation and lesions. While human body works on a mechanism to fix such as damage, i.e. by forming more collagen, but due to one factor or the other, problem tends to worse. It ends up forming indentations on your skin which is also referred to as scar formation.

How to Deal With Acne Scarring?

Though it is a natural part of the healing process which helps those scars to go away, yet it will be a time taking process. Plus, there are good chances for to not only damage your skin but affect your confidence.

Thankfully, these laser resurfacing has a solution to them. The use of very intense monochromatic lights to skin to stimulate the cells in your skin leads facilitate wound healing. Also it causes replacing of collagen and elastin lost due to scarring. Hence, you can trust laser for this purpose.

Now as an intense beam of light is used the process will cause some amount of sensation, or pain in some cases. For this it is advised to make use of a numbing cream prior to the treatment. You can apply a product like NumbSkin cream which comes with 5% lidocaine. When applied to the skin, it causes a numbing sensation which lasts for somewhere around 3 to 4 hours. So you don’t need to suffer anymore.

What are the Different Types of Laser Treatments Available for Acne Scars?

1. Fraxel Dual Laser Treatment: As the name indicates, this method makes use of two lasers of different wavelengths. Generally, one with 1927 nm wavelength and other with 1550 nm wavelength is used. While the former one helps in reducing the pigmentation, the latter helps improving the skin texture. So it focuses on boosting the cell growth.

2. CO2 Laser Treatment: Being one of the most effective ways of treating acne scars, it is used to make small microscopic holes deep into your skin layers. Doing so, it facilitates collagen development in the area lead by smoothening out of the acne scars. Here it is worth noticing that this laser treats only the affected part of the skin.

3. Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL): Also known as V-Beam laser this is used particularly if your skin has developed redness due to acne scars. As the process make use of concentrated laser beams used it leads to enlargement of blood vessels which causes redness. It is the heat generated from the laser beam which eliminates all the nutrients and oxygen from the topmost layer of skin.

4. Fractional Laser Treatment: Don’t confuse it with full laser ablative treatment or CO2 laser treatment. Reason being, here it uses a variety of microbeam sizes and densities as per your skin needs and problems. It can be used over other parts of the body. Also not only it helps eliminating the existing acne scars but also prevent new scar formation.

5. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Are you dealing with dark acne scars? This laser treatment is perfect for the same as it does not affect the skin texture and focuses on the color of the scar. So you can expect it to restore back the normal skin tone. With this it also clears the acne causing bacteria. A pretty intense laser is used for this treatment.

Remember, laser resurfacing is a non-invasive treatment. It ensures positive results but there can be some risks involved. So consult an expert before proceeding.