What Causes Furrow lines and How To Treat Them?
Numbskin on 2018 Dec 28th
Gone are the days when frown lines on the forehead were restricted to old age. Several factors like daily stress, pollution, and exhaustion are leading emergence of these unwanted lines at a younger age.
Have you recently noticed the first signs of aging?
Certainly, it won’t be a pleasant experience. Their occurrence might be beyond your control but the good thing is that these can be treated. Before you look for the solution, let first check on the major reasons behind these lines.
What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?
When it is about the reasons for wrinkle occurrence, it can vary from person to person. As your body is different from other, you are indulged in different activities and so the reasons for getting lines will be different. However, these can be summarized into four common reasons. Here’s the list:
Sun Exposure: The harmful UV rays are not good for your skin at all. It is due to extreme sun exposure which leads to your skin drying out. Also the sun rays reduce the rate of collagen production in the body. Hence, altogether these would make your face appear aged before time. Therefore, people with more tanning are more likely to develop wrinkles. To prevent this from happening you can go for an alternative solution by using a self-tanner. Also avoid sun whenever possible and keep your skin moisturized.
Facial Movements: Yes, moving your face is another major reason for wrinkles. When you move your face in different ways, you are helping to develop and deepen wrinkles. Of course, it isimpossible to avoid moving the forehead. But there are few little things you can do to simplify things for our skin. It includes managing stress, drinking lots of water, quitting habits like smoking, etc.
Growing Age: Another inevitable reason is here. It is a very natural process. As your body ages, it starts losing proteins like collagen and elastin. With the reduction in amount of these proteins, your body does not bounce back as quickly as it used to during younger years. It is the collagen which helps your skin stay firm, strong, and youthful. And then elastin comes with the property to boost skin’s elasticity. When you get older, your body starts producing lesser amount of these proteins. While your skin loses elastin fibers, it leads to sagging and wrinkle formation.
Free Radicals: Next in the list are the free radicals in your body. These have attributed to many health problems, and wrinkle formation is just another one. Actually, free radicals come from some sort of chemical reactions in your body. It is due these reactions which initiate the wrinkling process. Considered as an unstable component in the body, a free radical is naturally formed and can be used for good. Yes, they are said to prevent from attack viruses or bacteria entering your body. Now if these are present at a naturally forming rate, it is not problematic. But if there are too many free radicals created, it can be disastrous. Reason being, in huge amount these begin to attack cells and molecules.
How to Treat Forehead Lines?
The simplest answer is with an injectable cosmetic treatment – Botox. Being used to relax and smooth the appearance of wrinkles, it will paralyze the muscles temporarily with the help of its active ingredient. It works by relaxing the muscles which causes formation of forehead lines. The only problem is that these shots can be little traumatic. Hence, it is advised to apply a topical anesthetic like NumbSkin cream before getting it done. It will make the process pain-free.